
合辑 | 英语口语听说训练教程:1- 300(未完待续)

蔡雷英语 2020-11-17


听说-01 | How are you doing

听说-02 | I am into sports

听说-03 | what's up this weekend

听说-04 | What do you do for a living

听说-05 | My knee went out

听说-06 | I'm gonna kick back

听说-07 | I slept in

听说-08 | I overslept

听说-09 | I'm gonna stock up on water

听说-10 | I'm counting on you

听说-11 | I had a long week

听说-12 | Thank god, it's Friday!

听说-13 | That's pure nonsense

听说-14 | Did you get out shopping?

听说-15 | (to) do away with (something)

听说-16 | (to) do (something) up

听说-17 | (to) do up (something)

听说-18 | (to) do it over

听说-19 | Because of

听说-20 | Thanks to

听说-21 | Check back in a jiffy

听说-22 | Pick your poison

听说-23 | Those poor children

听说-24 | is pathetic

听说-25 | What purpose does it serve

听说-26 | I couldn't help it

听说-27 | To look away

听说-28 | To push it

听说-29 | Are you done yet

听说-30 | Knock on wood

听说-31 | Count me out_in

听说-32 | To rain on your parade

听说-33 | I'm broke

听说-34 | To sell SOMEONE out

听说-35 | It will all come down to

听说-36 | LUCK, LOCK and LOOK

听说-37 | I beg to differ-

听说-38 | Don't sweat it

听说-39 | Go all out-

听说-40 | already

听说-41 | Come down with

听说-42 | to come in on

听说-43 | Steal my thunder

听说-44 | A pain in the neck

听说-45 | to come in on

听说-46 | to turn in (2 meanings)

听说-47 | to LACK something

听说-48 | I am down

听说-49 | Kick it up a notch

听说-50 | Happy holidays

听说-51 | a stocking stuffer

听说-52 | to keep me on my toes

听说-53 | Keep it down

听说-54 | The apple of one's eye

听说-55 | picky

听说-56 | (to) turn out

听说-57 | Auld Lang Syne

听说-58 | Starting is half the battle.

听说-59 | I'm sticking to my guns

听说-60 | taking forever

听说-61 | pushover

听说-62 | on the  edge

听说-63/64 | cushy + hone

听说-65 | Don't chew talk with your mouth open!

听说-66 | put up with

听说-67 | get the nod

听说-68 | nuke it

听说-69 | hoopla

听说-70 | to straighten out

听说-71 | a brouhaha

听说-72 | My hat's off to you~

听说-73 | on call

听说-74 | and whatnot

听说-75 | tinker around

听说-76 | kowtow

听说-77 | Tweak it!

听说-78 | when it comes to [补发视频]

听说-79 | take it with a grain of salt

听说-80 | I changed my mind.

听说-81 | 9 out of 10 times

听说-82 | goof off

听说-83 | My dogs are barking!

听说-84 | To get carried away

听说-85 | my diet

听说-86 | veggies

听说-87 | ad hoc

听说-88 | pig out

听说-89 | Coke is it!

听说-90 | What the heck is wrong with you

听说-91 | in heat

听说-92 | For shits and giggles

听说-93 | Put some elbow into it

听说-94 | Go away!

听说-95 | sump'n

听说-96 | _ pouting

听说-97 | get the gist

听说-98 |  a sneezing fit

听说-99 | get the hang of ~

听说-100 | to die for

听说-101 | _ (to) make ends meet

听说-102 | ordering take-out

听说-103 | I'm rather upset~

听说-104(更新) | I'm perplexed.

听说-105 | Keep it PG!

听说-106 | a typo

听说-107 | sooner or later

听说-108 | Go figure!

听说-109 | Is A considered B

听说-110 | In my book...

听说-111 | Who are you_ Einstein

听说-112 | Beats me.

听说-113 |  (to) bite the dust

听说-114 | Bite me!

听说-115 | No ifs_ ands or buts!

听说-116 | Damned if I do_ damned if I don't!

听说-117 | hard to beat~

听说-118 | out of the blue

听说-119 | low-key

听说-120 | What do you say we...

听说-121 | another nail in the coffin

听说-122 | high-profile

听说-123 | It spoke to me~

听说-124 | Grow up!

听说-125 | He's mature for his age.

听说-126 | the black sheep

听说-127 | I'm going to...

听说-128 | (to be) few and far between

听说-129 | Man it up!

听说-130 | INTENSE

听说-131 | Boxed in

听说-132 | Give a shout out to ~

听说-133 | He's slick!

听说-134 | Straight from...

听说-135 | (to) pay it forward

听说-136 | a tar baby

听说-137 | He's 40 going on 10!

听说-138 | You and me...me and you...You and I...

听说-139 | If I were in your shoes...(If I were you...)

听说-140 | Keep them coming!

听说-141 | Hero vs heroine

听说-142 | I'm in deep doo doo

听说-143 | tops

听说-144 | 30 something

听说-145 | To have someone over

听说-146 | to brown bag it

听说-147 | head honcho

听说-148 | I'm all tied up!

听说-149 | for good

听说-151 | What do you think?

听说-152 | It doesn't measure up.

听说-153 | (to be)watered-do

听说-154 | jump the shark

听说-155 | What's your approach?

听说-156 | Bust a move!

听说-157 | (to) hang your hat on (something)

听说-158 | busy work

听说-159 | monkey business

听说-160 | can't help but do SMT

听说-161 | keep it together

听说-162 | to hang out

听说-163 | to hammer something home

听说-164 | a sneak attack

听说-165 | a sweet tooth

听说-166 | All I gotta do is...

听说-167 | Are you still ~_ VERSUS You are still

听说-168 | smooth sailing

听说-169 | to be on the rocks

听说-170 | on the rocks (different from 169)

听说-171 | a hangover...to hang over

听说-172 | in for a bumpy ride

听说-173 | I've been meaning to tell you...

听说-174 | I could not have said it better^^

听说-175 | as far as ~

听说-176 | I like them PLURAL!

听说-177 | Here's to...

听说-178 | That hits the spot!

听说-179 | It doesn't agree with me.

听说-180 | Suit yourself~~

听说-181 | my two cents

听说-182 | hit the sack

听说-183 | roly-poly

听说-184 | in the shade

听说-185 | made in the shade

听说-186 | a shady guy

听说-187 | a shadow

听说-188 | to shadow

听说-189 | Beyond a shadow of a doubt!

听说-190 | The news knocked my socks off!

听说-191 | to blend in

听说-192 | sticks out like a sore thumb

听说-193 | Stupid is as stupid does.

听说-194 | Here you go. VS There you go.

听说-195 | Here you go. VS There you go.

听说-196 | How do you like them apples_!!

听说-197 | Recollect...remember...recall...memorize...memory

听说-198 | We might as well do ~~

听说-199 | ~ is not up to task

听说-200 | to put somebody on

听说-201 | trip VS travel VS journey

听说-202 | jumping on the wrong bandwagon

听说-203 | I just don't happen to...

听说-204 | willpower

听说-205 | A trumps B

听说-206 | I'm looking into ~ing

听说-207 | frazzled

听说-208 | have a hankering for ~

听说-209 | not nearly enough

听说-210 | I even ( verb)

听说-211 | swagger~

听说-212 | even (two more meanings)

听说-213 | may be OR maybe

听说-214 | CONtent or conTENT_

听说-215 | classic OR classical

听说-216 | to hunker down

听说-217 | to flake out

听说-218 | the straight and narrow

听说-219 | on a health kick

听说-220 | Nothing but the best~

听说-221 | Great taste.

听说-222 | What's all the racket_

听说-223 | pipe down

听说-224 | devastated

听说-225 | give the green light

听说-226 | dirt poor

听说-227 | What's all the fuss about

听说-228 | down and out

听说-229 | to go Dutch

听说-230 | to dress up

听说-231 | get your head out of the clouds

听说-232 | squirt

听说-233 | give a wide berth

听说-233 | give a wide berth

听说-235 | to be at the helm

听说-236 | to mull something over

听说-237 | to be up to something

听说-238 | Beggars can t be choosers

听说-239 | a cheat sheet

听说-240 | to ditch SMO SMT

听说-241 | to be in THE moment

听说-242 | ~ gone wild

听说-243 | Twoosh!

听说-244 | corny

听说-245 | dress-down Fridays

听说-246 | to be outta sorts

听说-247 | to hound somebody

听说-248 | bores me to tears

听说-249 | to have the guts

听说-250 | It's all Greek to me!

听说-251 | go with the flow

听说-252 | to foot the bill

听说-253 | I m finna ~

听说-254 | Stoop so low as to~

听说-255 | Stoop so low as to~(part2)

听说-256 | To make ends meet

听说-257 | Spick and span 1

听说-259 | To do a disservice to someone

听说-260 | The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

听说-261 | easy on the eyes

听说-262 | He's in out. He's on off.

听说-263 | VERB+away, VERB+on

听说-264 | That figures~~

听说-265 | What for

听说-266 | to be BOUND TO DO something.

听说-267 | to hit on someone

听说-268 | hit it off

听说-269 | to throw in the towel

听说-270 | Stay on my tail!

听说-271 | binding, bound to NOUN

听说-272 | bawling one s eyes out

听说-273 | going through a rough patch

听说-274 | a slacker

听说-275 | slacking off

听说-276 | What have you been up to

听说-277 | I'm stumped

听说-278 | taken aback

听说-279 | slack up

听说-280 | to have a way with ~

听说-281 | give a shout out to ~

听说-282 | save it for a rainy day

听说-283 | trendy

听说-284 | stay ahead of the game

听说-285 | pretty beat

听说-286 | a crock

听说-287 | not carved in stone

听说-288 | one too many

听说-288 | one too many

听说-290 | cut me some slack

听说-291 | to crack open

听说-292 | to feel stifled

听说-293 | to stifle something

听说-294 | a crook

听说-295 | Right off the bat

听说-296 | food for thought

听说-297 | to scramble

听说-298 | out of sight / mind

听说-299 | It'll never fly.

听说-300 | when pigs fly.

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